I'm James. Not welcome to ask James. Here's how it works: you put your questions in the comments section below and I choose a few of them to make the next episode of ask James. So start thinking about your questions while you sit back and watch this week's episode. Doug Dicker asks, "Who fights super salad? Both. I'm a big eater, what can I say? Which is why I always get fatter in the winter." Jim is getting home with no place to exercise. Chad Van Haren asks, "What's your opinion on Canadian craft beer? Canada has craft beer? Who knew? The only Canadian craft beers that I can recall tasting are from Unibroue, La Fin Du Monde, and Twat Pissed Honest. And they were great Belgian-style beers. Forgive the pronunciations, but I am throwing this question back to the viewers. Which Canadian craft beers do you recommend that I try? I'd like to know." Tim Van Auken asks, "James, how do I get in your studio audience for your beer reviews? I live in C-bus." Tim, it depends. We don't normally have a studio audience, so I have a few questions for you. Number one, what beer are you going to bring for us? Number two, is there enough for everyone? And number three, on a scale of one to ten, how creepy are you? Ten being the creepiest? Eight or lower and you're in because I have very low standards. Jay Count 21 asks, "Where did you learn about video production?" Funny story, I used to be an economist for the federal government, which based on my experience was like a welfare program for college graduates. One weekend, my roommate got really drunk, I'm talking like David Hasselhoff drunk. He then passed out on our couch. When I went down in...