Well, I bet you write on the back, so I think you should get churning. So, I want to welcome everybody to today's webinar on starting or expanding your business in Iowa. My name is Val and Rynek and I'll be serving as today's webinar moderator. I'm with Iowa Sourcelink and Human I Sense of Business Growth and Innovation. Just a few items before we kick off today's presentation. We do record all of the webinars and make them available on Iowa Sourcelink, usually within a week. If you notice there double, which you guys have all been commenting on, please use that to interact or share something with the group. If we encounter technical difficulties and get disconnected, stay in the room and use the same link that you use to get in to re-join. Chelsea Morrison is going to be our technical support lead for today, and she can work with you one-on-one if you're having issues with the sound. She's going to enter her phone number in the lower right-hand corner. There is a Q&A section, so we'll try to get to as many questions as we can during the presentation. And like Terri said before, if we don't get to them all, we will come up with the Q&A and post that shortly within a few weeks after the webinar is over as well. After the webinar, there's going to be a feedback survey. We welcome suggestions for future webinars. Tell us how we did today, and if you have any ideas for what type if you'd like to see later, please let us know. So, our guest speakers today are Carrie O'Neil from the Iowa Department of Revenue and Amy Cooners from Iowa Economic Development Authority. Today, they'll both be covering what steps are needed to start or expand...