Let's tax planning forms that you are ever going to find for international tax. You look a lot better if I didn't hit the wrong button, hold on here, okay. So this is ghetto am at the forum 5471, and there's a similar form for transactions with a forum partnership and in transactions with a foreign disregarded entity. But nothing is more important than a transaction between two corporations, especially a controlled foreign corporation, which is always a C-corporation. I have on the form on the video here on the screen, the instructions and the form and tax planning. You know, I was thinking that I was preparing for this and this we're gonna show you my age, but I remember how much fun it was belonging to the Automobile Club. And if I was gonna go on a road trip, we'll take your family vacation, I really enjoyed meeting with the travel consultant. You kind of map out the trip with them, they would then put together a package, but maybe have 50 pages that would flip over that would show the route you're taking, what's going along the way, and you would really plan it. And I realized that people who are working for us today, few of them actually planned out their road trips. They hop in the car, they put the address in the GPS from now the iPhone, and off they go. And that's not what you want declined to do with international tax planning. You want to go back to, I hate to say it, you want to go back to about nineteen sixty-nine, nineteen seventy, seventy-six when you went to the automobile club and you methodically planned out your trips for road stops and sightseeing whatever you want it. And that's how you're...